Day 28, 30 Days of Me

Day 28: What is your love language?

I already wrote on this: .

Or, for a snippet:

My receiving love language is (1) quality time, followed closely by (2) physical touch, with (3) words of affirmation in third. Without the first two, I won’t believe the third, but without the third I won’t be entirely fulfilled.

My giving love languages are quality time and acts of service, followed somewhat more distantly by physical touch. I stay really busy and highly value my time, so when I make time for you it shows I’m prioritizing you; the more time with you, the bigger the priority you are to me. On the service side, call it my midwestern upbringing or blame my submissive side, but I like to take care of my partner and do what I can to serve their overall happiness.

Day 27, 30 Days of Me

Day 27: What is your favorite part of your body and why?

I’m not sure it counts as a body part, but I really like my smile. I feel like it reflects my passion and enthusiasm, is genuine, and usually gets a smile or flirt in response. On top of that, a smile is the most straight-forward way to communicate with someone. No matter what language you speak, you understand a smile. It’s positive, and can bring light into the darkness of someone’s day. I like bringing happiness to other people even if it is in small ways.

Day 26, 30 Days of Me

Day 26: What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?

Anarchism/Extreme Libertarianism.

No government = chaos. We’d have crap roads, crap schools, and more crime. I understand the desire for more freedoms, privatization, and smaller government. I don’t always agree with the policies or implementing them in today’s society, but I fully get the desires behind them. That said, no government at all, I don’t understand.

On the other end, full socialism and communism are “wrong” in my mind too. I feel both of these suppress necessary freedoms.

Day 25, 30 Days of Me

Day 25: If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?

Cliche, but Jesus Christ. Runners-up include Thomas Jefferson and Winston Churchill. Really though, it’s be great to hear some life lessons and get some perspective from Jesus. As for what we’d eat, who knows! Something involving ovens, probably, because they didn’t have ovens then.